Colo Native wrote:
I have a 18K super glide and the book says to spray WD40 for lube but as we all know it is not a lube the factory said use it, BUT in Trailer life a month or so ago it mentioned using silicone which is a lube. Anybody using silicone? Or what other choice than WD 40. It is messy and I am tired of getting all over everything even though I wipe it off the hitch regularly
Older version of PR SG initially required white lithium grease, then upgraded to Slip-Plate or similar graphite spray-on lube on the way tubes.
WD 40 was for the moving parts of the latching mechanism.
Newer versions have covered way tubes - which (IIRC) no longer req'd the SliP-Plate - and the WD40 may have been the recommendation for the way tubes also.
Easiest way to know for sure is either -
follow your operators manual -OR- if you don't have one, call the PullRite Tech line and ask.