Forum Discussion

Raxus65's avatar
Jun 20, 2013

Question about tires

Been thinking of getting some aggressive tires and nice rims for my F250 but was wondering if something like that would lessen my rig's hauling capacity? This is all new to me. Have not gotten our toyhauler yet but more than likely it will be a TT and not a 5er. Is it ok to get a "cooler" look or should I stay stock and not worry about ruining my F250?

2010 F250 V10 4x4 XLT
  • Changing tire over all size will change tow capacity.
    Going from a E rating to a D rating will also change towing capacity.
  • You can get nice All Terrain tires that can increase your capacity. Don't just look at the load rating, look at the actual tire rating.

    Example, most "E" rated tires will have a rating of 2900 - 3200lbs per tire. Falken makes an "E" rated AT tire that rates at 3900lbs per tire, so going with this tire would increase your tow rating.

    Be sure to match the rim rating to the tire, but a lot of aftermarket rim's will be rated up to the "E" tire ratings or slightly beyond. If you are looking for "G" rated tires then your rim selection is reduced dramatically.

    As others mentioned, if you increase the diameter of the tire you change the gear ratio's of the truck, but sometimes that can be beneficial. Again as an example, my previous truck with stock tires was a diesel, with stock tires would turn 1900 rpm at 62mph. 1900 rpm was that trucks strongest pulling and best mpg point. I put larger tires that did not require lifting the truck and was able to get to 1900 rpm at 70mph. This change didn't impact my towing experience as the motor still had enough grunt to pull my various trailers.

    I guess my point, is there is truth to the advice already given but also there is other options to consider.

    Good luck in your quest!
  • I will disagree with some of the comments, you could very well lessen the capacity of the truck by changing the tires and wheels. Each wheel and tire has a rated capacity and putting anything on it that has less capacity than what you are currently using WILL lessen your capacity.
  • Thanks for the replies :) With what you all said I'll stick to what I have. My son and his friends won;t be happy but ah well hehe

  • Unless, You get taller tires, Which will change the rear gear of your truck. The towing capacity will not change. So keep to the same size. However as mentioned, squirmy tires make for a squirmy tow, and ride.
  • Big knarly tread block tires look way cool. Trouble is, they are noisy, ride terrivle most of the time, and the tread is not really stable . Which when towing could make for some unpleasant handling charactistics. Stick with a good quality A/S tread pattern on your tires.
  • Aggressive treads wear out faster. Unless you off road and need the traction, why pay for looks only?