Trixie47 wrote:
Since the landing gear is electric what would you do if the motor went out. Suppose you are at a to raise it to get it back on the truck, or better yet....what to do so you can take it off the truck...Trying to get a jump on something that hopefully may never happen...
As said the hand crank is an option, have used it to see how it goes, not easy, but doable.
What I wasn't prepared for is when the curb side bolt came out of the drive line, and only the drive side landing gear was moving, the problem is I have an onboard generator , so now no way to get to that bolt. Sitting in an RV park, and no way to raise the fifth wheel, had to go buy a sawsall , and cut a hole in the propane compartment to access the driveline, and replace the bolt, but I did have a replacement bolt, and now a spare sawsall :)