Forum Discussion

jodiesel2's avatar
Feb 09, 2019

Rain gutter drip rail

On the gutter system at the front of my coach there is a plastic drip rail or whatever you call it. I need to extend it about an inch, as it drips right on a magnet that holds a storage door open. And then the drip 'bursts' and splatters all over. Any tricks for attaching an extension that you've done?
  • Clothes pin

    This does work very well. I put a set on the ends of the gutters on both sides of my camper and they lasted about 4 years before the UV deteriorated them and they needed to be replaced. Never removed them during travel either. Held up fine to highway speeds. Extends the drip about 2" from the side of the camper so eliminates the black streaks under your gutters, even if your parked a little unlevel side to side.
  • I made one out of 1/2 PVC pipe and just used a sawzall to cut it the long way
  • Easiest and fastest method is to clip a wooden clothespin to the end of the gutter as an extensions.

    Next easiest is manufactured gutter extensions. I bought some at Walmart in the RV aisle and they are still mounted and functioning 10 years later.

    RV gutter extensions
  • They make gutter extensions that fit right on the little gutter ends. They work very well and just snap into place. They're only a few bucks and any RV place will have them, and you might find them at the local WallyWorld in the RV aisle.