Cummins12V98 wrote:
me1magoo wrote:
My 35' fifth wheel weighs about 12,000 lbs with a little over 2,000 lbs on the hitch depending on stuff loaded in the trailer. My truck was built as a SRW 3500 quad cab, long bed. I towed my previous 5'er which was a 28 footer and weighed about 8,000 lbs and never had any concerns. After several longer trips around the state and into Oklahoma I had a few times that I felt the truck pushed side to side by the trailer either b/c of wind or a rough patch in the road. I decided to get a dually---- so I made my truck a dually. The right way- I swapped in a dually axle and put on stock dually truck tires and wheels and front spacers and put on the fenders on the bed. Now my truck is a dually just like it was built a dually from Dodge. I have towed the trailer a few times since and can honestly say it is more stable side to side, sways less, pulls less in side winds or when passing trucks and is more comfortable steering down the road with less corrections needed to maintain a straight smooth line. NOW- it did get rougher when empty even if I air down the back tires to 45 and it does seem to wander into the tracks in the road a little more when empty since the tires are slightly narrower than the tires that come on the SRW trucks.
I have towed the same trailer with the same truck with two rear tires and with four rear tires and will never take them back off. That's my two cents.
Thanks for your honest story!
I think too many people know they really should be towing with a Dually but make every excuse in the book to justify what they have.
I think you are making light of the negatives of a dually that are probably more important to some of us. I' ve pulled a 38' 5th wheel for 7 years with a SRW truck and have never felt or experienced the need for a dually. And don't have to deal with the extra tires, extra width and extra weight when driving empty!