"To label those that disagree with your opinion as "hard heads"....
my connotation of hard head was certainly not someone who disagrees with me, it is someone who after a purchase of some good or service, coming to the conclusion they have made a mistake, but will never admit to the mistake regardless of how much evidence there is to the contrary...for fear that it will somehow diminish their worthiness/credibility. We've all seen 'em in life, those who know everything, refuse to believe there is another way of doing something, other than their own. Some of us have probably worn that label at sometime during our life....I know I have.
But back to the issue of SRW and real life experiences towing a heavy rig, and having once owned a DRW farm truck, I never once thought I needed or wished for a DRW when towing my 5th wheel. There are trade off's for sure, my SRW, while retired from pulling our home, still serves as a commute vehicle, still serves us off road and in places that a DRW would be out of place...like the desert, a forest road or in a downtown parking garage. Life is all about choices, we just gotta make 'em for the right reasons.