We considered this hitch when first getting our FW but it was backordered so we went B&W companion. The reason for consideration was that it would allow for clean bed without heavy hitch removal and according to dealer, it was covered under manufacturer warranty of the frame. We watched the videos of the hitch at the dealer and were impressed. Had it not been backordered, it would be what we are using. We have no problems whatsoever with the B&W but DH has a bad shoulder and usually needs help removing the hitch. One of our grown sons usually does it for him. The hitch comes out after ever trip because he pulls gooseneck trailers regularly. Some say it takes more than one try to hook up a gooseneck...he usually hits it spot on first try. He is 50 years old and has been pulling gooseneck trailers since before he was legally old enough to drive. Everything from cattle trailers to flatbeds. I guess it is really all in what you are used to. I don't see us spending the money to switch hitches now but when our new shop/RV storage is built (within the next few months) we will have a hoist installed for easy removal of the hitch. Even though we haven't personally used the goosebox, I still believe they are a great alternative to the B&W and our dealer sure did like them and claimed to have sold a lot of them. He was who suggested the hitch to us in the first place.