Forum Discussion

RockBottomRacin's avatar
Oct 20, 2016

Replacement fold up couches ?

I just picked up an '01 Fleetwood Wilderness 335G Sport Utility 5th Wheel Toy Hauler. The previous owner pulled the fold up couches out and replaced that section of the floor so no more holes for the table posts either. I'm curious if there is a decent supplier for replacement couches? I wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to the holes for the table posts, but would like the couches again. Right now I'm finishing the floors up, as they are currently unfinished, and when the time comes to ring her out I can use fold up tables and chIrs and bring a couch but ultimately would like to fix it up. Also, does anyone have any info on the construction for the carpeted boxes that covers the wheel wells under the couches in dual axle toy haulers? Probably gonna build some of those as well.

Thanks guys!
  • Bump! Anyone know how to measure out for the table floor bases and D ring placement for the hauler? I'll be taking photos tonight!
  • Thanks for the replies guys! After checking out some prices im gonna check around for used stuff, but for now we're picking up some futons from Craigslist to get us by. I'm also going to pull up the plywood the PO put down and replace with planks. The sheet was cut roughly and I'm not especially happy with it. Does anyone have any advice with laying the new floor down?
  • the table mounts should be easy, they're avaialale in either surface or flush mount. If you can stand the bump in the floor the surface mount just screw down, the flush mount would need a 2" hole, then screw down.

    lots of sources for couches, do a search, found this in 30 seconds:
  • There are several used RV furniture stores out there, shipping costs might be the killer though. Here is a search here that might turn up some for you, RV Furniture you can also search on Google to see if there is something near by. Some type of RV junk yard is what you want.
  • bradd and hall, but if you are talking about jack knife sofas, be glad they are gone.