Forum Discussion

The_Texan's avatar
Jul 26, 2013

Riding etiquette

From the SD ATV/UTV Association

The majority follow these guidelines, but is always good to be reminded of them every once in awhile. If nothing else, please remember just one thing in this article, "As ATV/UTV riders we always need to make sure we go the extra mile to respect the other trail users so that the groups that want to shut us out of our riding areas don’t have more ammunition to do so."
  • Yes, thank you. I am a hiker, not an ATV-er, but I have consistently stood up for the rights of ATV riders. It would be nice to have equal respect.
  • The number one thing that gets our riding areas closed is loud exhaust!
    But I would expect most on here to know that.
  • The Texan wrote:
    From the SD ATV/UTV Association

    The majority follow these guidelines, but is always good to be reminded of them every once in awhile. If nothing else, please remember just one thing in this article, "As ATV/UTV riders we always need to make sure we go the extra mile to respect the other trail users so that the groups that want to shut us out of our riding areas don’t have more ammunition to do so."

    Thank you for posting this, very timely and your statement about respect is spot on.

    Another thing to remember is when you encounter hikers or equestrians please stop and kill your motor and let them pass, or at the very lest slow to a crawl, I try to do the former and maybe even engage them if possible, show them you respect their right to be there just as much as they should you.