N-Trouble wrote:
The current SxS market is a lot like computers. You buy one today and by next year it is obsolete and outdated. Kind of hard to sink nearly 20K on a machine to know its going to be outdated in a couple of years and will have little to any re-sale value.
It's tough to look at it like that. If you apply that to everything you will never have anything.
Just out of curiosity what year is you RV. I'm pretty sure it is outdated and has no resale value
I can't believe what a difference my first toyhauler in 2007 to my new 2014. It's like night and day. Or "Motel 6" to "The Ritz Carlton"
I love this new toy and I will get my money's worth for sure..
Funny cause when I was at Dealer doing the walk thru. We were wondering how they were going to top this. 150hp and 25 inches of travel. I have no idea what's next but I can't wait to see it, and wish I had one.....