Y-Guy wrote:
2BLAZERS wrote:
Rumor has it he has 4 DUI already.
This is what really yanks my chain. I can understand a single DUI, I've had 2 friends get pulled over and they changed their ways. But then we get yahoo's like this that get 3-4-9 and they are still out of jail. Ugh!
I can relate about the multiple dui, was told its much more common than you would think...
Last year was hit while waiting at a stop light, completely stopped for at least 30-60 seconds. Then slam, hit from behind. He left no skid marks and cops say it was a 45mph road so he was probably going at least that fast. He went under my F350 bumper and totaled his Buick.
My Ford F350 Platinum got the damage you see in the pic. My hitch and bumper/brackets/hitch electrical socket had to be replaced.
I was summoned/depositions/etc to court no less than 9 times as a victim.
This was his 4th DUI.But he had a valid license, the cop showed it to me. And he was uninsured as of the day before the accident... I can't even pronounce his name, but the DA said its a Turkish name. Not sure if it matters, but he isn't even a citizen of the USA.
He has paid me $256.00 in restitution so far, and is on probation.
How does anyone get 4 DUI and not go to jail,? the Da couldn't tell me the answer..?
This last dui of his was a felony convection.
I told the DA lucky he hit me and not the motorcycle right next to me in the next lane over. He would have killed that motorcycle dude.