Alright, got some more info today. I found the factory D rings online and they say they are for 1200lbs. Does not specific if that is working or breaking. If thats working limit, then they are close to what I need but I don't feel comfortable with them.
Against better judgement I shoehorned the Samurai in the trailer and took it for a test ride just around town using factory hooks and new 2' straps, went to the dump and had everything weighed. Trailer sticker says it is 3600 lbs and total with Samurai and camp gear loaded I was at 5640 on the scale, and a total of exactly 12000lbs with truck, trailer, Samurai, and most camping gear. So that puts the Samurai somewhere right around 2k lbs.
Everything went OK, I stopped short a few times to see if everything would hold and it did and Samurai didn't even shift a little.
I think I should add 2 D rings near back center to tie down rear axle to that. And Use the rear side ones and tie down at tow bar as shown below (So 4 straps in rear, to in front). I'm trying to find some d rings to upgrade too that are NOT recessed (I don't want to cut huge holes in the floor), and have a nice footplate like the ones I already have, and mount them with bolts and fender washers, not tec screws.
I should also get a weight dis./anti sway hitch I think.