Forum Discussion

vampirefish's avatar
Jan 25, 2019

Selling my truck with hitch brackets (no hitch)?

Hello all. I’m hopefully selling my truck tomorrow but the buyer isn’t interested in the 5th wheel hitch (demco hijacker premier series 21k). I’ve decided to leave the hitch mounting brackets installed in the truck. So I’ll try to sell my hitch without. Is this common or...? I looked online and found you have to order the brackets separately. Anyway I was wondering what y’all thought.
  • More importantly, what are you replacing your truck with! ;)
  • dapperdan wrote:
    Very common IMHO to leave the rails in and sell the hitch separately. I did when we traded in our '06 RAM for the '15. I sold the old hitch on Craig's List and the rails stayed in the truck. :B

    I wanted a more stout hitch in my new RAM, that was one reason I let the old hitch go, got $250 for the old hitch which helped off set the cost a little on the new hitch. The new truck came with the puck system..... that was another reason. LOVE IT!


    BUT BUT BUT "demoted" for failure to mention your hitch brand "HeavyWeight" Member please do tell what hitch your are referring to??? :B
  • Very common IMHO to leave the rails in and sell the hitch separately. I did when we traded in our '06 RAM for the '15. I sold the old hitch on Craig's List and the rails stayed in the truck. :B

    I wanted a more stout hitch in my new RAM, that was one reason I let the old hitch go, got $250 for the old hitch which helped off set the cost a little on the new hitch. The new truck came with the puck system..... that was another reason. LOVE IT!

  • Basic rails while becoming obsolete. Are sort of still universal, however most modern trucks now have puck systems. The buyer of your hitch needs the right bracket/mount for their truck.
    THe brackets from your truck may not meet the needs of the new hitch owner.
  • Unless the mounting brackets are the universal type, they will be custom fit to your model/brand truck. I think many sell just the hitch, without the mounting brackets or rails. A potential hitch buyer could use the rails, and if similar truck, the brackets. The hitch will sell on it's own, if you price it right. Yes, the buyer can order the brackets to fit his truck, and new rails too.

  • Sold my F350 without the hitch and then sold the hitch on Craig's List a week later.