ol Bombero-JC wrote:
wilber1 wrote:
ol Bombero-JC wrote:
wilber1 wrote:
I've been towing two different 5er's with two different SB trucks using the same 16k manual slider. Rarely slide the hitch but if in doubt, I do. Takes all of 30 seconds so no big deal. The extra bed room in a LB and never having to slide the hitch is nice but for me, not enough to offset being able to park the SB in most normal parking spots and most of all, it fits in my garage.
X'lnt observations!
And another -
The 30 seconds (to slide the manual):
When it's pouring rain, even 30 seconds is a PITA.
Auto sliders are more pricey - but "chump change" compared to the cost of your 5th......and/or the grief getting truck repaired when you were *absolutely sure* you didn't need to slide = Oops!
Auto slider:
Kinda like a thrermos.....knows when to keep hot things hot, and cold things cold. How do it know??..:@
BTW - never had any problem backing with PR SG slider..;)
Depends on your priorities. Auto sliders are heavy brutes an can be a real PITA to remove and install if you have other uses for your truck. That and their expense has never tempted me to buy one.
Wilber -
You bet auto sliders are *HEAVY* !!
The PR SG weighs about 300 lbs.
However.... I lift it with ONE finger!!..:W
HF cable hoist.
Support it on a 2 x 6 between two stationary objects -or a rafter in your garage.
Back truck under, lift it out by pushing the "UP" button (the "one finger lift to raise/lower), drive out and lower onto a furniture dolly. Roll to wherever you like.
It takes me all of 5 minutes total...:C
Cable hoist is handy for other stuff also, as well as the "cherry picker" engine hoist/s (etc.) that other folks use.
I have had one of those long before I ever had a 5th.
It does the job very well also. Roll the hoist to the truck, do the same.
(However - No *one finger* lift - takes a bit longer and req's *one hand* to pump the hydraulic cylinder)..:(
BTW - the HF cable hoist weighs about 25 lbs, and is about the size of a work lunch box.
YMMV - but...
For me, I'll take *any* brand of auto slider over a manual every time.
The "expense": guess you can save a few bucks with Chinese tires too.
Now....did I put hot or cold stuff in that thermos??..:B
I use a portable engine hoist so there you go. I wouldn't have one but each to their own.