Forum Discussion

Yamaki's avatar
Oct 12, 2014

Short Box + 5'VR = Disaster????

I'm a little confused. Well, more than normal I should say. ;)

I have a short box truck and am considering a 5'VR purchase but I've seen some disastrous results of this pairing, specifically the the front of the trailer smacking the pickup cab.

I've also read that slider hitches are the way to go but you can't really tow the trailer down the road with the slider set towards the rear. And it appears that you can use the slider with it set towards the rear for short distance maneuvering, such as backing into your parking spot.

Am I wrong in coming to the conclusion that short box trucks and fifth wheels really don't do well together?

Or do they work as long as a slider is installed and used only for backing?

If this is the case, what happens when you have to make a tight turn? Is the cab still at risk?

ughhh...maybe it is easier to consider a standard box truck, eh?