Forum Discussion

okiefatman's avatar
Jun 19, 2018

Squeaky floor

I have 2016 Sierra 355re fifth wheel we have a vinyl floor that look like wood plank. When we walk across the floor it makes a snapping, creaky noise like a floor in an old house. I don`t know if the vinyl is not glued down or the plywood not screwed down good. It make this noise in every room and is about to get on my last nerve.
  • When the floor is screwed down to the aluminum framing members, they either over tightened and broke the screws in some places or the self-tapping screw stripped the hole. I don't know if they used glue or not (probably not), but a thick bead on all members would have more than likely eliminated the possibility of squeaking.
  • I feel your pain. We have 2016 Jayco, bad squeak. Thought we had it fixed. I will go to battle with Jayco next week.