DownTheAvenue wrote:
laknox wrote:
DHCamper wrote:
I was driving down the freeway yesterday when I was passed by a Dodge DW towing a new 5th wheel. I sped up and paced him at over 85 mph. The trailer had a dealer plate on it. I slowed back down to the speed limit and watched as he disappeared over the horizon. The air temperature was 87 degrees. I was just wondering if the new owners of trailers that have had premature ST tire failures might have had this guy as delivery driver. Has anyone else witnessed delivery drivers driving like that?
I think I'd've pulled out my phone and shot a minute, or two, of video, and included my speedo, as well as the DL plate, then sent it to the factory. Might try and get a shot of the TV's plate, too.
Lets see...driving 85 MPH and then trying to get the phone and shoot a video. Now, that sounds like a safe thing to do!
That's The Boss's job. She takes good pics. :-)