B.O. Plenty wrote:
They're junk tires to start with. Some of them have been known to blow out even when mounted as a spare. I don't think going that fast should cause that. If he was going 85 and you clocked him at that...you were breaking the law too. Just consider them display and delivery tires and trash them when you buy a new trailer and put some real tires on it. I've never seen anyone going that fast or what appeared to be that fast when delivering a trailer. I see them almost everyday headed west on I-94.
Would you be willing to do that with the tires on your BRAND NEW tow vehicle? That kind of "bend over and take it" attitude is what gets we consumers less product for the money. You may not consider ST 'real' tires but that does not justify subjecting them to abuse prior to delivery to the customer who PAID for them.