Forum Discussion

RollandB's avatar
Jun 28, 2014

The apparent Roof Leak

Thursday we headed to the Oregon Coast with the grandsons for a weekend at one or our favorite spots. Thursday night we had a good wind and rain storm to start things off which continued on Friday. Yesterday we headed out to do some things and when returning noticed a small branch laying near the bedroom slide. Our youngest grandson really needed to use the bathroom so that was top priority. After he was done nand outside, getting ready to head to the beach my wife sees a nicely soaked area on the bed. Looking all over the ceiling and looking dry, I plan to get on the roof to have a look at where the branch hit first. Then our grandson fesses up, he was in such a rush to pee he tossed his water bottle on the bed. So, off I head with the bedding for a laundromat and $2 later everything was dry again. Probably the cheapest water leak any of us will fix and never a dull moment when camping with the grandkids,
  • That makes me smile. We camp witn lots of kids being foster parents.
  • Old Duck wrote:
    grandson fesses up, he was in such a rush to pee he tossed his water bottle on the bed.
    That was rood.