Forum Discussion

charles_1947's avatar
Sep 04, 2014

Thermal Package

I am looking at a 2011 Toy Hauler, but it doesn't have the thermal package (insulation/warmers, etc) I really like the unit, but it doesn't have the thermal package. Does anyone know how much it should cost to add this package/
  • I had a 375FS GearBox 39' toy hauler and it had the tank blankets on it already. They are out there, keep looking
  • And don't forget that you are rarely going to read praises about a brand or model. People generally don't go online and say how great their RV is, they come online to complain and find solutions. So you are going to see a predominance of complaints compared to compliments.
  • Doughboy is right Charles. Don't buy a fixer upper'll spend more than you think. There are plenty of really good used units in Texas..can't say that about everywhere else. When you find one, get someone in the business to do a full inspection for you. The most popular right now..Heartland and Dutchmen (and others) have built a lot of lemons the last couple of years trying to meet demand and have forgotten about quality control. Beware of buying crap!
    Consider how much you are going to use it and how long. You may come out better buying a new unit since you can get better financing on a new unit...but again be careful, there's a lot "new"******being sold too since RV manufacturers are unregulated. What kind of toys will you haul, and how heavy? How many will the unit sleep, etc...ask yourself anything and everything. Read forums and the type of complaints customers are having with the brand you may be looking at. Some of the most popular toyhaulers..brand new, straight off the lot...are having many problems because customers don't do their homework.
    Good luck
  • charles_1947 wrote:
    I am looking at a 2011 Toy Hauler, but it doesn't have the thermal package (insulation/warmers, etc) I really like the unit, but it doesn't have the thermal package. Does anyone know how much it should cost to add this package/

    You are looking at used...keep looking.
    The one you want is out there.
    You are trying to band-aid the issue/problem with the unit you are looking at.
  • Depending on what is exposed and how cold, you can easily spend close to $1,000 at (self install-labor extra). This should get you down close to zero. Single pane windows and minimal insulation may still leave some to be desired.

    I have prepped my Summertime trailer and have been OK down to -10F. Burns a lot of propane.
  • It depends as we don't know if the underbelly is exposed or not, plus there is no definitive answer as to what minimum temps you plan to expose your TH to. Our TH has an exposed underbelly and we often camp in the 20s overnight with daytime temps in the 40s, it has to be below freezing for an extended period for our TH tanks to freeze.

    Have been caught off guard several times with overnight temps dropping to around 10 degrees, but a couple hours after sunrise all was back to normal, that may not be the case for every rig, one should tread lightly before exposing their rig to these temps.
  • Are you looking to prep it for full 4-season use, or just for some occasional cold/er weather use?