laknox wrote:
Me Again wrote:
Second Chance wrote:
Use what pressures are listed on the door sticker.
Correct answer^^^^!
Dually pickup do NOT need rear tires inflated to max sidewall inflation numbers, as the load to spread across 4 tires. Chris
And that's what caused all the tire failures on those Fords years ago. Imagine an Expedition loaded with a family and luggage and the tires inflated to the door sticker...which was 28 lbs. No wonder the tires failed and killed all those people. Stupidity from Ford and stupidity by the car owners who blindly followed along.
The sticker on my door for my Ram dually is 65#. At 65# this is for a rear axle rating of 9700#. My rear axle only weighs just over 3500#. Take the rear GAWR of 9700# and subtract the 3500# rear axle scaled weight it leaves me with 6200# capacity. If I fill my tires to the max pressure of 80# I would have over 13,000# rear axle capacity. There is no way that I need to have that much rear capacity and it would also ride like a hay wagon with no give.
It is different if you are a SRW but what holds for a SRW does not hold true for a dually.