Travlingman wrote:
DazedNConfused wrote:
If only it were that black and white. I wanted an F-350...but was glad I called the insurance company before I purchased. Because it has a GVWR of over 10,000 lbs, the state of NC forces me into a commercial policy. It would have been $1,200 more per year than the F-250. Since we camp about 36-40 nites per year, and this truck needs to be my daily driver, that $1,200 extra was too much considering my truck tows only 10% of the time I drive it. If insurance were the same, I'd have gotten the 350. But instead bought the 250 and that first year's savings of $1,200 more than paid for my air bags that the softer 250 suspension needed help with. Just economics for me.
Things have changed in NC since I moved out a little over 2 years ago then. I went from a 2500 to 3500 DRW an my insurance went up a little over $100 a year and that was because the 3500 was 5 years newer. The 3500 had GVWR of 11300 and nothing was ever said about commercial by my agent. I actually switched insurance companies 3 times while there for lower rates and never had issue with weight. When did NC start the commercial charge for weight?
Figures my timing is bad. This is my first truck -- I've only had SUVs before this and they didn't require a weighted tag. When I got the quote back for $900 more from my insurance agent (Nationwide), I asked why. She had to look in the notes and told me there was something in there that said because the GVWR is over 10,000 lbs, they have to put me into a commercial policy. That branch office also works closely with Progressive...and it was the same story with them. So either I got a line of******or there was something to it. I just knew that I didn't want to pay the extra $900 -- which was really $1,200 because of losing my multi-car discount on my regular policy. That's all I know...which ain't much. :)