dezl_dr wrote:
BTW - notice that everyone that has gotten stopped is on their way OUT of FL?! Hmmm....
...and I was stopped and the first question out of Bozo the Clowns mouth was "when are you returning that South Dakota licensed truck" to South Dakota...but it's not about the situation was not in any way a safety issue so I do not want to hear the "public safety" nonsense...
Also, before the law enforcement zealots get all wadded up, my stepson is a cop in western Michigan...and he absolutely acknowledges the "revenue-ING" aspect of the traffic bozo's...he calls them stalkers...when his chief told him he needed to write more tickets he told her that he did not become a police officer to collect taxes for the city...he is also strongly against all the ridiculous "mission statements" that are plastered all over some departments cars...
Just like the town in Florida that was in the process of getting it's Charter revoked by the State Legislature over speed trap revenue-ING, people need to stop supporting these communities and their businesses...the lack of business will get the nonsense halted in a hurry...
But if you are a beneficiary of this municipal welfare scheme, I am sure you will disagree...