Thanks for all the responses everyone. It seems like most people believe the truck will certainly pull the weight, and the opinion on whether or not it is safe is quite mixed. However, most people claiming it is safe are the people who actually exceed GVWRs and vice versa.
I do believe I would most likely be fine pulling a large trailer with the 2500, but I'm almost certain that pulling within the ratings will result in better performance and possibly some reduced liability. I have noticed that 2011+ superduty's have quite high ratings.
I think I will save my money for now and try out the gasser, which I hear will give me less problems than diesel, then reevaluate if I choose to trade in my trailer in the future. Just makes more sense to buy a truck with proper ratings if I am going to invest an additional 40% on that truck. If it was the same price, I wouldn't have to think twice.