you're correct that we are not planning on full timing at this point but the problem is we are deciding to purchase now for retirement. That leaves some time to use the new trailer weekends and some longer trips but we still have to go to work on Monday.
I have now problem pulling almost any trailer with my truck so that not an issue. Problem comes in if I get a larger trailer now will I have trouble fitting in where we like to go. So far I don't see too much of an issue for a 35 ft trailer. I have gone to Yellowstone and like to camp inside the park. We stayed at Grants Village and would like to go back. Seems like there may be some limitations.
Not knowing for sure even with our smaller trailer we are staying outside Glacier. Would have like to stay at Apgar but not without reservations because of the uncertainty.
So back to original issue, if I get a bigger trailer now will I be disappointed where I can go.