After about 5 years, on my previous TT, I replaced the original tires with Carlisles. They were still on the camper when we sold it 3 years later.
This late last Summer we replaced the original tires (almost 3 years old) with Carlisles again. Since then, we've been from Central Indiana to Branson, Mo and then Kansas City, Mo. Another trip from Indiana to South Carolina over Christmas, not to mention, several local week-end trips last Fall.
So far, they are doing just fine. I'm not seeing any signs of tread wear or anything yet. They are the "new" Carlisles. The folks that installed them had to order them for the camper because they did not have any in stock. So I waited. That was OK. They gave me a price, and I agreed. When the tires came in, they told me the price was less than the original quote, because they were the "new" Carlisles"
So far, they have served very well. No complaints, and this IS my second camper installing Carlisles.
My experience has been positive. But then, I didn't have problems with 3 campers and the original tires either, they just aged out.
Reason we got new tires for the last camper, was because one tire had really uneven wear. Never did figure out why, except the tire was a cheaper made tire. I've been watching the Carlisle on that same spot, and after several thousand miles now, no signs of anything. Very happy with mine!