Oct 15, 2013Moderator
Veterans Day weekend @ Spangler Hills 2013
It seems like folks don't post their trips here as much as they used to back in the site's heyday. Here's one for you though.
We're putting together a trip to Spangler Hills for the Veterans Day weekend (11/8 through 11/11).
For those of you old timers who've been around the site for awhile, you'll probably remember that this marks the 9th anniversary of the original So Cal Rally organized by our old friends Diirk and LaCoFDFireman (hopefully I got his name right). Nine years ago this November a bunch of us took a chance and met up with some strangers from the internet. I've never met a stranger bunch of strangers. Many lifelong friendships were formed--lots of great rides, great fires, drinks drank, bones broke, dogs fornicated... You name it.
We're not expecting anything the size of the old rallies and we won't have the same kind of organized rides like the old poker runs, but it should still be a good group of folks and a good time.
When: Veterans Day Weekend
Who: It's hard to say
Where: The old Rally spot at Spangler Hills (directions from Mojave here)
RSVP in this thread or shoot me a PM if you think you're coming.
We're putting together a trip to Spangler Hills for the Veterans Day weekend (11/8 through 11/11).
For those of you old timers who've been around the site for awhile, you'll probably remember that this marks the 9th anniversary of the original So Cal Rally organized by our old friends Diirk and LaCoFDFireman (hopefully I got his name right). Nine years ago this November a bunch of us took a chance and met up with some strangers from the internet. I've never met a stranger bunch of strangers. Many lifelong friendships were formed--lots of great rides, great fires, drinks drank, bones broke, dogs fornicated... You name it.
We're not expecting anything the size of the old rallies and we won't have the same kind of organized rides like the old poker runs, but it should still be a good group of folks and a good time.
When: Veterans Day Weekend
Who: It's hard to say
Where: The old Rally spot at Spangler Hills (directions from Mojave here)
RSVP in this thread or shoot me a PM if you think you're coming.