After many years and spending lots of $$$$ on all different products THIS is what I found works the best. If it can keep ants out of an RV in Florida it's got to be good.
Found at any hardware store and/or Tractor Supply. Only buy the powder/dust product NOT the granules.
Sprinkle around each tire and 'make sure' to sprinkle around each and every hose and electrical cord that is connected to your RV.
......and then don't lean the awning rod up against your MH. Those dang ants will march right up it and into your RV. Don't as me how I know that! :C
Then place Terro ant baits (found at grocery stores)on the bottom of all your cabinets near the floor, under the couch etc. Put two of them under all the sink cabinets. They seek water.
If you are not pro-active from the git go, if they get in it will take you weeks to get rid of them!