It's a lot of information, for sure. Some good suggestions for websites and groups to check out that you've been given. I agree that you might want to rent a small motorhome (Class C - the kind that has a truck or van front end) first, for perhaps a weekend or a few days during the week, and use it at a campground in your area, to get a feel for RVing.
By the way, "toad" = car you tow behind a motorhome. :) TV = tow vehicle, i.e. something (like an SUV or pickup) you tow a trailer with.
I agree that for a single person, a motorhome is probably the best choice, rather than a trailer and tow vehicle, just because hitching & unhitching a trailer large enough to live in is not an easy task. Easier with a 5th wheel, perhaps, than with a regular "bumper pull" trailer, but the motorhome would be even easier to use.