Forum Discussion

Livefreediefree's avatar
Jun 19, 2016

Finally taking the leap.

Well, I haven't been on the forum in a long time and given any updates but we are finally taking the plunge. We have sold everything and moving out of our house today. We are moving to a local campground for the summer and going to finish out working the summer at our current jobs than at the end of Sept we are moving around to warmer climates. Keep on living free!
  • Congrats on the lifestyle change. We enjoyed our 13 years full timing on the road. We just recently went back to a stick and bricks lifestyle when we bought a townhouse in April. Kinda miss the full time lifestyle already but it was time for us. Many great memories and we learned to live "a different way"

    Best of luck and enjoy.
  • Thank you! We will winter on the west coast of Canada and hopefully have lots of adventures into the north west US to start. There is lots to see on our west coast as well so i'm sure we will be busy all winter. Our summer plans are to head to Florida over about a month so we can go across the US slowly and take in at least some of the beauty of the US. Of course our Florida destination is Disney world. Thanx everyone. Keep on living free.
  • Congrats!! We are on our 2nd year and we did about the same thing. Baby steps.....enjoy! It looks like we will winter in AZ this year, good luck! :)