Forum Discussion

janstey58's avatar
May 15, 2020

Full Timer Health Insurance Options

Hi All, I am looking for specific examples of health insurance policies others have found for affordable high deductible health insurance for those of use not yet old enough for Medicare. I have a SD domicile address, but would like to include my grandson who lives in Iowa and retain access to my wife and my doctors in Iowa if possible. Looking for names of providers and what you are currently paying per month. Thx, Jeff
  • United Health Cqre will provide a family plan for us and our grandson (under 26, and we are his guardians) for around $700/month. We will likely go with that. Thanks for the input!
  • janstey58 wrote:
    Hi All, I am looking for specific examples of health insurance policies others have found for affordable high deductible health insurance for those of use not yet old enough for Medicare. I have a SD domicile address, but would like to include my grandson who lives in Iowa and retain access to my wife and my doctors in Iowa if possible. Looking for names of providers and what you are currently paying per month.

    I looked up ACA plans in Glenwood, IA and they ranged from $2000 - 4000 for you and your wife. If you make under a certain amount, you can qualify for an ACA subsidy to help reduce premium costs. Otherwise, you'll pay full cost.

    If your grandson isn't a dependent, good luck getting him on your plan.

    ACA plans are based on where you actually reside, not a "paper" domicile.
  • Affordable? Good luck with that. We paid about $2000 a month for high deductible ($7000 per person) before we turned 65. That’s in Florida for a national plan.

    I would recommend finding an independent agent that reps several companies.
  • SD used to be a problem as all the affordable plans required you get service in SD to be "in plan" at all. Your resident address is often a make or break decision. We moved from a SD plan to TX to avoid that problem. Soon after our employer offered a health plan so I haven't checked into that in the last few years.
  • Have you done a search over on the Escapees forums? There are many discussions on this topic over there.
