Forum Discussion

multiversekyle's avatar
May 17, 2013

Looking for gamers (board games, RPGs, MMOs, miniatures)

My wife and I are preparing to hit the road full-time in our RV in August. We plan to travel primarily along the west coast, perhaps venturing as far north as Alaska in the summer. As a current owner of a comic shop/gaming store, I have a decent sized collection of games, mostly board games and miniatures, some of which I will be bringing along in hopes of finding interested gamers on the road. I am considering putting together a website to help coordinate gamers who are interested in meeting up in various places if there is enough interest in the idea.

I have quite a few games in my collection and would be bringing a select variety with us on the road but would be primarily interested in playing the following:

Pathfinder/D&D RPGs
Settlers of Catan
Castle Ravenloft
Munchkin Quest
and a variety of other board games

I'd love to make contact with any full-timers that play any of these games (or that are interested in learning), especially those who may be located along the west coast. I have enough rule books, materials, miniatures, and everything else that players wouldn't necessarily need to have their own stuff though it's always helpful. Even if our paths only crossed occasionally, or even if we never personally play but I can help other gamers connect as well, I'd like to hear from people.

We have a son who will be 7 years old by the time we leave who may or may not watch or play along depending on the game and timing. Most of these games are family-friendly and can be adjusted to fit gamers of any age so kids could be included if you'd like.

I am also an avid World of Warcraft gamer, if there are any full-timers that are looking for more friends in-game.
  • New Gaming Meetups Facebook group for anyone interested...

    Still working on getting the website finished up but it's coming along...
  • Started a FB page for now to hopefully attract some more people... going to try to get the website put together before too long but we're gearing up to hit the road at this point so that may have to wait until we are actually in the RV. We'll have a month between when the buyers take possession of our house and when we're actually leaving to travel, so probably then... though I am hoping to get something up sooner so I can blog about the process of getting ready as it will probably be quite an experience finding a manageable stock of games to bring along. For now, check us out at:
  • My wife and I are long time RPG'ers and would love to meet gamers on the road. we're relative new to rv'ing; we're only on our second full trip but plan to go a lot more since we really love it. We haven't found any rv'ing gamers yet, but we're kinda shy about asking other rv'ers as we usually get the "you're crazy" look from non-gamers when we approach the subject. We're looking forward to seeing the website you plan to start.

    I run various games and many different rule sets, our favorites are Labyrinth lord, AD&D 1 and 2e, Pathfinder (if we must play a d20 game), Traveller (classic, Mgt, or GURPS), CoC, BRP games, and tons more.

    Our schedule is flexible so hopefully we'll be able to meetup on the road for some gaming and rv'ing.
  • Currently, running a game using Hero System Ed.5 w/the fantasy hero add-on, steampunk/victorian/roaring twenties world, also have a Japanese Anime-based campaign (two of them) using the Ani-Dai system, one is the classic college setting, the other uses Leiji Matsumoto's Galaxy railways as the basis for the campaign.

    Online, I'm playing a private Ragnarok Online server called We are Online (formerly known as Deliverance Online), it's a very very old MMO and is free to play, the server group relies on people doing donations for a few extras in game to keep it running. Very small child friendly, no blood, no guts, 2D sprite characters running around in a 3d world.

    If a few of the mods I'm using ever get updated for the newer versions of Minecraft, I'll likely port the giant industrial/railroad world I've been playing in Single player over to a server.

    The misses and I are also participating in an SG-1/SG-Atlantis system campaign that is basically replaying the story of the Atlantis TV series if it had been basically an all military style operation, much like SG-1 was.

    Eventually, I'm going to download WoW and see if it will play well with the network latency of the Verizon wireless network or if it will lag too much.
  • We're in Iowa for the summer but are planning to leave in August to head west. One of the routes we are considering would lead us across the northern states and through Badlands as well as Glacier and Yellowstone parks. We haven't finalized that yet but I think that is the route we'd like to take.

    I have some experience with 4E D&D and Pathfinder (I also played 1E and 2E back in the day as well). Most of the materials I plan to bring on the road will be minis and dungeon tiles, maps, a few modules (some Lair Assault and Encounters stuff I got from the shop), and dice. I have nearly all of the rule books in PDF format as well as many many adventures in PDF. I'll probably just print off what I need for each session and adjust the adventures to suit the materials I'll have on hand. Obviously, I'll need to be pretty selective in what I bring along... but it helps that so much of it is digitized.

    I think I'm going to set up some sort of website that will, at the least, serve as a directory where people can leave their contact info for other gamers who may be in the area... I'm also hoping to blog about our gaming adventures on the road, assuming we can get regular events organized.
  • Heya Kyle,

    I'm a full-timer work camping in Badlands National Park this summer, and I game.

    I've played and enjoyed several card and board games, Munchkin is very amusing. I've done some 4e D&D but have generally gotten help from more experienced players for character creation. I also MMO, but I do GW2.

    I won't be making it to the West coast this year, but if you happen to swing out this way maybe we could set something up. Otherwise there's always next year. :)
  • I'm not full-timing, and I live on the East Coast but your topic SO intrigued me that I had to reply. I love RPGs, board games although I don't do MMO type games. Pen and paper games take up so much space I can't imagine trying to bring my games along full-time. Of course I've also played 4e D&D in the infield at a NASCAR race so maybe I'm on the right track.
    Anyway, my family and I will be in San Fran the 1st week of July if you happen to be up that way. I can't wait to hear more of this adventure quest you are setting off on.