Oct-13-2022 01:11 PM
Oct-15-2022 08:43 AM
Oct-15-2022 08:23 AM
Walaby wrote:
OP is willing to roll the dice and bet on his continued good health. Which is fine until, as some have pointed out, something catastrophic occurs. Doesn't even have to really be catastrophic, as Lou points out with a "simple" pinched nerve.
Whatever you do, Steve, I wish you continued good health and no regrets on whatever you decide.
Oct-15-2022 07:43 AM
Oct-15-2022 07:19 AM
Oct-15-2022 05:19 AM
Oct-14-2022 07:51 PM
DallasSteve wrote:The key words in your post that will screw you over is “any in network provider”. Good luck finding one; especially a specialist.
I spoke to a representative at eHealth and I think I have found a plan that will work, at least for the beginning of 2023. It is a PPO Medicare Advantage plan from Humana available in my zip code. It gives me back $110 per month of the Part B premium. It includes a travel coverage provision that allows me to get the standard rates from any in network provider in the USA. However, when they find out I have moved they will probably cancel the plan and I will have to look for a new plan. I plan to leave my address as is and get all of my correspondence via email. When Medicare discovers I have moved they will probably notify Humana and the clock will start ticking. I will also set up a virtual mailbox in Dallas and I may do a search for plans in that zip code to see if Humana offers something there and I may update my address when I leave Texas.
Oct-14-2022 12:49 PM
bgum wrote:
Gosh I must have struck a nerve.
Oct-14-2022 12:09 PM
Oct-14-2022 11:43 AM
bgum wrote:NamMedevac 70 wrote:
begum seems you are out voted again as many many RVers like and use AARP. Happy trails to you.
Gee if I had known you were counting votes I would have called in Roger Stone to certify the results.
Popular doesn't equal best.
Oct-14-2022 11:15 AM
stickdog wrote:
Why not setup an address with escapees and at the same time find what options are available with supplemental plans. Your find of a PPO with travel sounds as only good within the Humana family. Not a true PPO and they have to pay you to join? Ever wonder why?
Oct-14-2022 10:56 AM
DallasSteve wrote:
I spoke to a representative at eHealth and I think I have found a plan that will work, at least for the beginning of 2023. It is a PPO Medicare Advantage plan from Humana available in my zip code. It gives me back $110 per month of the Part B premium. It includes a travel coverage provision that allows me to get the standard rates from any in network provider in the USA. However, when they find out I have moved they will probably cancel the plan and I will have to look for a new plan. I plan to leave my address as is and get all of my correspondence via email. When Medicare discovers I have moved they will probably notify Humana and the clock will start ticking. I will also set up a virtual mailbox in Dallas and I may do a search for plans in that zip code to see if Humana offers something there and I may update my address when I leave Texas.
Oct-14-2022 10:08 AM
NamMedevac 70 wrote:
begum seems you are out voted again as many many RVers like and use AARP. Happy trails to you.
Oct-14-2022 09:54 AM
Oct-14-2022 04:56 AM
Oct-14-2022 04:50 AM