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4X4Dodger's avatar
Explorer II
Oct 12, 2015

Notes from the Road Part Three

Nap Time with the Pooches

We all know that naps are essential for good health and keeping the right subservient attitude with your wife (if you’re married).

I had noticed for some time that when the weather is hot the dogs like to sleep under the trailer. This happens mostly in the afternoon, the heat of the day. They lie there, tummies and faces on the cool ground perfectly content.

So it was here in Picacho Peak SP near Tucson that I decided the other day to join them. There was a nice breeze blowing, it was gaining on 2PM, my usual nap time, the temperature was edging up towards 90, and the pooches looked so darn comfortable there under the trailer…

So I got the old bunk mattress that I had saved figuring I’d find a good use for it or the foam, and scrounged my pillows from my bed. I placed the mattress under the trailer near the dogs being careful not to wake them. Grabbed my pillows and crawled under and lay down on my back. My small dog Jake just opened his eyes and regarded me with either suspicion or incredulity, I am not sure which. The older one Nigel just continued sleeping.

It was like immediate air conditioning. The cool breeze, the cool ground, where the sun never reached until very late afternoon, a comfy mattress, my favorite pillows…Life is sweet. NO wonder the pooches sleep here I thought to myself, this is great.

As I lay there wondering why it took me so long to catch on to this little bit of Shangi-La under my trailer I started looking at all of the wires and stuff that are visible. I started to make mental notes of small projects I could do to improve things under here. That wire needs a strain relief. I need to check those brake wires for abrasion. I can insulate this all and close it off pretty easily. Stuff like that.

I had optimistically brought a novel I was reading under the trailer with me, something I rarely do (read Novels, my usual is History, Biography, Current Affairs, Politics etc.) But I promptly fell asleep with the breeze wafting at me and the sound of the birds and the dogs snoring softly in my ears. The Novel went un-read.

I highly recommend this practice. There is after all a long tradition of sleeping under your vehicle of conveyance. The early settlers did it under their covered wagons, truck drivers the world over in developing countries sling hammocks under their freight trailers and nap by the side of the road, Lewis and Clark slept under their overturned boats on their way westward and when I was younger and living in Egypt, I used to sleep in the shade of my camel as he lay on the ground, hobbled and chewing whatever was in his stomach that afternoon.

So if you decide to try this, and I highly recommend it, you can be assured you are in good company. (and your wife will probably never think to look for you under the trailer.)
  • carl2591 wrote:
    you are on the right track dodger... Too many want to see the negative in laying under the trailer vs being inside in AC..

    in the old days (1960's) we spent all day outside in the summer in coastal NC and i can tell you it was hot and humid.. We would dig holes and play cowboys and indians. the holes in the ground was cooler than inside the house.

    just one of the thing we did.. now you might want to be careful if you are asleep and the RV park busybody happens along you might wake up to EMS trying to drag you our and doing mouth to mouth to revive you..

    that or taking you to the funny farm cause you must be crazy for sleeping under a perfectly good RV.. LOLOLOL too funny man.. and a good tip for all..

    LOL this is much more likely than snakes or scorpions.

    And hiking around Picacho reminded me of playing Cowboys and Indians or War with my Cousin Phillip. It's a great landscape for that. We used to have epic rock fights using a metal trash can lid as a roman shield. Yup that was fun.
  • you are on the right track dodger... Too many want to see the negative in laying under the trailer vs being inside in AC..

    in the old days (1960's) we spent all day outside in the summer in coastal NC and i can tell you it was hot and humid.. We would dig holes and play cowboys and indians. the holes in the ground was cooler than inside the house.

    just one of the thing we did.. now you might want to be careful if you are asleep and the RV park busybody happens along you might wake up to EMS trying to drag you our and doing mouth to mouth to revive you..

    that or taking you to the funny farm cause you must be crazy for sleeping under a perfectly good RV.. LOLOLOL too funny man.. and a good tip for all..
  • Well having grown up in San Bernardino Ca on the edge of the desert and spent much of my youth camping there I can tell you any Rattlesnake who willingly comes to where two dogs and a human are is on drugs.

    Rattlesnakes are generally shy creatures who like to stay away from humans and predators and while they like cool shady areas during the day they prefer close small places. If given the chance rattle snakes will gladly flee rather than strike.

    Spiders dont bother me and you are unlikely to see those either as for fleas my dogs dont have them.

    Scorpions like snakes would rather depart than fight and the Bark Scorpion which is most common in that area lives under old trees or bark. Also the best way to get rid of a scorpion is to get a small stick hold it in front of the creature and it will grab it with it's claws, you then grab the tail and pick it up and carry it off to a safer place...they are not really a problem. Most of these creatures you will never come in contact with.

    In fact this is probably one of the safest places you could be. So I feel very comfy under there.
  • oldokie wrote:
    One possible negative to this new found haven might be spelled rattlesnake.

    Can you say spiders, scorpions, ants, and fleas.
  • One possible negative to this new found haven might be spelled rattlesnake.
  • Soo... did the dogs run inside and jump in the bed in your air conditioned rig? Who fooled who? hee hee :)