I had an alarm system with a 2 mile range transmitter and a pager that can listen for the alarm to go off. So it would be usable if you set the alarm and went into a mall, or a long hike, and the alarm goes off.
Another alarm for my work truck has a '1/2' mile range for the remote control, and it was also a receiver that would go off if the alarm tripped.
SOmething like this is what I found on Amazon.com today, in a quick search.
Amazon.com alarmThis is what I installed on my work van. It has a remote, and can detect a alarm from about 1/2 mile away.
http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0037S2CB2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00The Astra 777 is a alarm that I installed over 10 years ago, and it worked fine while I had the van. In my Windstar van, it would run the automatic door locker/unlocker. You can program it to sound the horn or chirp the alarm when you leave or have a silent mode. I am sure there are better alarms out there today.
In my motorhome, the alarm siren that came with the alarm system, I removed the cover for the furnace air intake, and installed it behind the grill, where it would be painful for anyone to stand in the RV with the alarm going off. (this is due to a similar system at my office). I also installed a 12 volt relay and another fuse from the battery, then to a siren that I mounted above the fuel tank. If a would be thief where to short out the wires or disconnect them, the inside alarm would still alert any nearby neighbors. Also if the thief where to short out the wires and hope it would shut off the alarm, it would only trip a 10 amp fuse on my RV, not shut off any part of the alarm.
Also my alarm has a 'passive' anti-theft system. So if the door opens while the driver has his foot on the brake, this starts the passive system. The alarm will chirp after 45 seconds, and you are reminded to hit the 'disarm' button on the remote control. If not hit within 2 minutes, the alarm will go off, and then 30 seconds later the relay that shorts the ignition power to ground will energize, and short out the power to the distributor - stopping the engine.
Good luck,