Feb-19-2018 09:21 AM
Mar-03-2018 05:18 AM
Mar-01-2018 03:53 AM
sayoung wrote:
Maybe you shouldn't be driving this big a rig. Did you not study the handbook ? I found the driving test the easiest part and I also had to go down a narrow residential street.
Feb-28-2018 07:35 PM
Feb-28-2018 04:17 PM
sayoung wrote:
Maybe you shouldn't be driving this big a rig. Did you not study the handbook ? I found the driving test the easiest part and I also had to go down a narrow residential street.
Feb-21-2018 06:37 AM
Feb-20-2018 01:08 PM
Feb-20-2018 03:01 AM
Feb-19-2018 06:11 PM
Bill.Satellite wrote:
Sorry you are so far South in TX. Livingston would likely much more RVer friendly. I took the test in Bryan/College Park and there were no neighborhood streets, no parallel parking and no low hanging branches.
Feb-19-2018 03:39 PM
Feb-19-2018 03:18 PM
paulbeauchemin wrote:MDKMDK wrote:
Should be similar to what a semi rig with a 53' trailer does.
Left turn.....
Left turn
Right turn.....
Right turn
I think you have to "go long" before you actually start to turn, which means you will traverse the oncoming lanes of traffic nearest to your target lane for completing the turn. It's unavoidable in a long rig. I can't see how they can fail anyone for that.
Thanks - very helpful
Feb-19-2018 03:13 PM
MDKMDK wrote:
Should be similar to what a semi rig with a 53' trailer does.
Left turn.....
Left turn
Right turn.....
Right turn
I think you have to "go long" before you actually start to turn, which means you will traverse the oncoming lanes of traffic nearest to your target lane for completing the turn. It's unavoidable in a long rig. I can't see how they can fail anyone for that.
Feb-19-2018 03:13 PM
nevadanick wrote:
#2 in your list isnt allowed. You have to wait until you can make the turn without doing that.
Feb-19-2018 03:10 PM
nevadanick wrote:
Rent or borrow a bumper pull trailer with a gvwr of more than 10k and take the test in it. Though i kinda think if you rubbed that many curbs and cant park it you might rethink the size you have.
Feb-19-2018 02:07 PM