noteven wrote:
Climate discussion Nexus and CO2 Science are a couple of sources for non alarmist info and history. Much of it not based on computer modelling.
Co2 Science appears to be funded by an oil company. It speaks of the benefits of increasing Co2 in the atmosphere.
Nexus appears to be firmly in the climate change denier group--citing Canada as a shining example of technology and lowering emissions.
Here is a quote from Nexus: "As we said in February about record lows across the Northern Hemisphere, “If these were record highs, you know what they’d say: proof of climate change.” And they did. Incidentally the Texas power grid, which underperformed tragically in the ice storms, is now underperforming in the heat wave; are you quite sure renewables can get it done? Because creating energy shortages in Texas is quite an achievement, but not one to boast about. Or blame on fossil fuels, though the Electrical Reliability Council of Texas tried."
They quote "private donations from interested parties" for the seed money to start up.
Clearly both these organizations believe in Santa Claus.
In short, both organizations are apologists for climate change deniers.