noteven wrote:
Which is the most effective “greenhouse gas”?
1. CO2?
2. Water vapor?
Answer: CO2, by far. Per kilogram CO2 is about
1000 times more effective at trapping heat than water vapor.
But that is not the answer you were hoping for - next you will try and make the point that water vapor is actually trapping more heat than CO2. However this is a tired argument that has been
debunked hundreds of times over.. Who tried to tell you otherwise?
The important thing about water vapor is that it is constantly cycling between surface water (lakes, oceans etc), atmospheric water vapor, clouds, rain, snow, ice etc. The most important factor that determines how much water vapor is in the atmosphere is the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans. If you increase the temperature by trapping heat with CO2, you evaporate more water from the oceans into the atmosphere, where is traps even more heat, magnifying the effect from CO2. This is called a positive feedback and is well understood by scientists.