Don't know the name of the way that several people we know here in Zihuatanejo "bought" their license plates. We know four of them. They paid a facilitator to go to Hacienda every year to pay for the renewals.
The second time, three years ago, Russ and Shelly headed up the mountain to Morelia to shop, they were stopped by a PFP shortly after they got on the toll road. He stopped them because of their plates. He examined their paperwork and strongly suggested to them that they turn around, drive straight back to Zihuatanejo, and never try to take their car out of town again.
They "donated" their car to an ejido here, and bought a good used car.
It absolutely scared the s**t out of them, and they had already lived here full time for five years. Fortunately for them, they had a nice PFP.
It's not hard to follow the law, it's tougher to find a quasi-legal way around it. I like things easy!