This route is the route we always use starting in 1997. We have traversed this route at least two dozen times. For many of those years we would cross in the wee hours to avoid long lines at the border. We never had any issue nor did I sense or imagine any danger.
Sure, bad things happen everywhere. Mexico has never been said to be a safe country to tour in. Many American cities now are places I would never feel safe visiting either.
There is a theme with posts like this whether it's Covid, Mexico's president, or crime travelers are advised to stay home - it's very dangerous. Point made, again. We get it.
Our first time RVing in Mexico we were warned in San Antonio that our child would very likely be kidnapped, her organs harvested and sold. We were told to never drive at night, that Sinaloa was too dangerous. All of these warnings of course never came true.
Maybe that's what I like most about Mexico - the frightened people don't go.