Forum Discussion

Spike1's avatar
Feb 10, 2021

1984 Dodge Xplorer height and length Diagram

Does anyone have a diagram of the height and length of the 1984 Dodge Xplorer. I'm looking for on to fight a parking ticket to show I'm under 7 foot high and 22 feet long. I had a diagram showing height 6'9" and 21' long but can't find it.
  • Years ago we had an 1989 XL236 model Xplorer. I think the 236 meant it was 236" or about 20' in length. It was the high top model and was 9' tall. It didn't have a roof type air conditioner. Most high top models Xplorers built around that time had approximately those dimensions.

    They also built some drop floor models that were suppose to be able to fit through a standard size residential garage door.

    Hope this helps.


  • It’s not how ‘84 Xplorers were built but how tall and long your unit is. Pictures measuring your unit and preferably a witness who did the measurements are better. Beware that the evidence needed to find against you was lowered a few years ago. Almost “administrative” now. Pick your witness carefully.
  • can't help on dimensions but would love to hear the "rest of the story". sort of sounds like in CA there are ordinances to deter street camping and have limits of height/length/etc. but how can they ticket you for being oversize if they don't list the size on the ticket?
  • This will give the length":
    I tried to find an ad for it, but no luck.

    I've had a 1997 for 20 years and love it.