Forum Discussion

Mrsmoos's avatar
May 13, 2016

1995 Winnebage Vectra 33RQ with FORD 460???

We just saw a 1995 Winnebago Vectra--the 33RQ model with a 460 Ford motor. The panel that tells the levels of the tanks etc is not working. We are not sure about the other things such as A/C, heat , refrigerator etc because the owner did not turn it on beforehand. She is a widow and the RV is crammed in on the side of her house and has been sitting for apx 2 years. Some of the vinyl ceiling material has been torn down and the fiberboard or whatever is under has been painted. The rest of it looks ok inside--needs to be cleaned obviously. It will need all new tires as they are cracked. The owner is having her son get it out so that we may test drive it (hopefully the tires will last for that). So--anything we should be looking for with this ford motor etc. Also we forgot to get the size of the tires and can't seem to find that info anywhere online. Anyone know the tire size for this model? Any input?
  • bsinmich wrote:
    As far as the panels not giving readings of the tanks. That is very normal on most older vehicles.
    X-2, Also you might have toilet paper that dried on your sensors. Take a garden hose with sprayer open toilet and spray down inside black tank sometimes that works for cleaning the sensors.
  • As far as the panels not giving readings of the tanks. That is very normal on most older vehicles.
  • Take this link to the Winnebago document library...


    You can find the original sales brochure, operators manuals, wiring and plumbing diagrams etc. Might give you a leg up on checking out that RV.
  • John&Joey wrote:
    Most of those older F53 will have low miles because they are a bear to drive. Don't plan on driving one handed anytime soon.

    Your first big investments will be brakes and maybe a broken passenger exhaust stud. Prior post hit everything pretty much on the head.

    But they don't have to be a bear to drive if set up correctly.
    Any motorhome can be a bear to drive if not set up correctly.
    I have 144,000 miles on my 95 F53 and it drives well.
    I spent 11 years in a front end shop and refuse to drive a poor handling vehicle.

  • Most of those older F53 will have low miles because they are a bear to drive. Don't plan on driving one handed anytime soon.

    Your first big investments will be brakes and maybe a broken passenger exhaust stud. Prior post hit everything pretty much on the head.
  • Get it inspected by a pro... May be a good $100-150 spent. How many miles?
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    Check for leaking exhaust manifolds. Older 460's and 454's were known for leaks.
  • I just took my coach out after a 2 year sit and my only problem was with the gas! The gas is bad after sitting that long so if you purchase this coach I recommend using 3 cans of SeaFoam for every 50 gallons of fuel in the tank. You can get SeaFoam at most auto parts and the cost is around $8.00 per can. This stuff is "GOLD" when dealing with bad gas! Good Luck in your RV search.
  • Tires are 235/85R16. Chassis maxes out at 17,000#. Care must be made to not over load it. 460 engine is bullet proof. E4OD transmission is OK. ZF emergency brake on the end of the transmission is prone to leaking its lubricant. Disc brakes will need service. IE remove calipers, clean and lubricate slide pins. Check caliper pistons for sticking. In tank fuel pump is prone to failure.
    With what you stated about the coach, they would have to pay me to take it off their hands. Be prepared to spend come $$ to get it road worthy.
