Forum Discussion

Neverhappy's avatar
Dec 18, 2014

1996 GREAT WEST VANS class C I the only one ?

I can't find any references or info on this rare C I bought.
It is on a Chevy 3.00 Chassis and is a one piece fiberglass body.The lenght is 19 feet.
Any info would be welcome. (The new owners of Great West can't help me..)
  • They say only 3 where made..seems there are more than that.
    But one must is real UGLY ! but so practical at 19 feet.
    More fun to drive than the Chinook I'm trying to sell.
  • Saw one in Garden Grove,Ca. recently on Valley View ave. Tried to get a picture but he got away.
  • EMD360 wrote:
    Is your like this one? This one is in Canada.
    1994 Great West Van

    Here is a newer version in Florida
    2002 Great West Van

    I really like the layout inside. Much more practical than the current closet style bathrooms right behind the drivers seat.

    We looked at some similar vehicles in 2009--90's models. We liked them, but we liked the larger, newer, and more expensive C we found best. Most of what we looked at had high mileage and was a bit worn out.
    I took some photos of what we looked at, an Airstream, a Falcon, a Sun Sport, and a Phoenix (but not Phoenix Cruiser).

    YESSS!!!!! Good job in finding there seems to be only 3
    Mine is the 94 widebody registered in Europe in 96, and has a rear lounge.
    Before that I had the exact same model as the 2002 GW clasic supreme...I miss it..great layout.
    Thanks & I will try and contact the owner for info
  • Is your like this one? This one is in Canada.
    1994 Great West Van

    Here is a newer version in Florida
    2002 Great West Van

    I really like the layout inside. Much more practical than the current closet style bathrooms right behind the drivers seat.

    We looked at some similar vehicles in 2009--90's models. We liked them, but we liked the larger, newer, and more expensive C we found best. Most of what we looked at had high mileage and was a bit worn out.
    I took some photos of what we looked at, an Airstream, a Falcon, a Sun Sport, and a Phoenix (but not Phoenix Cruiser).