Forum Discussion

alexmehof's avatar
Jun 25, 2014

1997 Ford Falcon add a generator

Anyone know if it is feasable to add a generator to a 1997 Ford Falcon? I know, I know, they are only made to 1996.... But the guy swears it is a 1997. It has the tub/tiolet in the rear but instead of a side couch is has a dinning table that makes into a bed.

I am looking to buy it. The five things I want in a class b are:

1. Must sleep 4... check table goes down and overhead loft
2. good condition... check 60,000 miles
3. must have a door for the tiolet and not a curtain... check tub/tiolet rear design
4. must have a table to sit at... check
5. must have a generator.... fail

So, this falcon is prefect except no generator... it has the housing but no wiring.. do u think the wiring is in the wall? Or how hard/cost would it be to have a generator installed? Anybody add a generator to a Falcon?

  • If you don't need AC-get a honda or yamaha 2000. depending on what kind of AC you have these might actually run it. they will run everything else.

    or Yamaha 2400ishc or 2 of the 2000-putting a brand new onan on such an old b is not practical.
  • Yes. Get a Honda portable. They are quiet, cheaper by far, fairly economical and versatile.
  • What do you need to power with the generator? Can a honda eu2000 do the job? They are small and make a lot less noise than a lot of the other generators.

    How long will you be out for? Can a couple of batteries do the job? Maybe batteries + solar.
  • Hi,

    How large is the air conditioner? A simple 47 pound Honda for $995 seems like so much better of a deal than the built in generator. Your fuel tank might have a tap for a generator, but who really knows.

    You can start checking around for a used Onan, and you might find one in the $2000 range. However I would rather have a Honda 4,000 watt water cooled generator.

  • Adding a genset can cost about $4500, since it needs a tee off the vehicle's fuel tank, and a transfer switch between it and shore power. It also may need some custom fab work.

    For an onboard genset, installation is everything. There can be 10-20 decibels of difference between a properly installed Onan and one just chucked in a bay.

    As an alternative, you can get a 3000 watt Honda or Yamaha with remote start. It won't be able to use the gas tank like an Onan nor be hooked up to an energy controller to auto-charge batteries when they drop below 12 volts, but it is about 85% of the convenience factor of an onboard.