Forum Discussion

fourthclassC's avatar
May 31, 2021

2002 E350 Dog House. Any smaller ones without front section

Howdy, just came off a trip that required many trips from front seats to back. It is aggravatingly tight where your foot has to pass between the seat and the dog house ( that removable front section with the cup holders) Does any one know of a smaller dog house available any where or at least a thinner clip on front section to improve that space . Thanks to all who reply.
  • I placed the square tubes on top of the frame that hold the sliding chair mechanism and drilled the tubes so that both seats were 4 inches back from the original, bolting the whole thing is an exercise in patience, since I am long legged it helped me a lot and wife can get up to get goodies from the galley, you can drill new holes on the floor but you need to be very careful where you do that, also if you drill new holes make Shure that you place backing plates under the floor with washers, be aware that there are wiring sensors that pass trough the floor for the seat belt sensors and air bags and on the drivers side there are fuel lines, that is why I chose to raise the seats and gain leg space with the square metal tubes on top of the original seat frames , the tubers need to be thick and strong.

  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    navegator, when you moved the passenger seat back did you have to drill new holes through the floor to bolt the chair down?
  • My 2001 came with the single cup holder, I purchased the bigger one from Ford and installed 4 inch square steel tubes to raise the seats and got the passenger side moved 4 inches back, this gives required space between the seat and the dog house, I also installed a hand hold on the dash for coveniance and stability of the passenger, wife liked it so did the cat.

    The reason for lifting the seats is simple, I have a compressed vertebra and low car seats hurt my back.

  • Mine came with the single cup holder one.
    I've installed the twin cup holder one. Has a lot more storage space.
  • Home Skillet wrote:
    There's this cup holder.


    Interesting...that's the console that I have in my '98 class C, I believe from the factory. Frankly, I am not a fan of it, and have had it in the back of my head to swap it for a different design sometime. The cup holder has one hole that fits standard soda cans, but is too small for most modern travel mugs, and the other that's too big for them so they tend to fall over. I made a 3D printed sleeve for it, in fact, to make it usable. The big compartment next to the cupholders is a single quite deep bin, which holds a fair bit but doesn't make it too handy to find or get out. Things tend to slide off the little shelf on the bottom. I will say the ashtray is handy for coins, though.

    Hey fourthclassC -- it looks like you're based in the same general corner of the country as I am. Would you be interested in perhaps meeting up somewhere sometime to see if we want to swap consoles?
  • I don't think there are any smaller versions of the doghouse proper. There isn't a vast amount of excess clearance between it and the engine and transmission to possibly eliminate.

    The clip-on front sections are interchangeable among many model years (and pretty much any variety of E series van or chassis), and there have been a few variations in the shape and configuration of them. There are probably a few aftermarket versions available as well, I suspect. If you do some searching online (or at a decently well-stocked junkyard), you might find one that works better for you than whatever version you have. If worse comes to worse, you can of course remove the clip-on part entirely and the vehicle is still perfectly safe to drive, though less convenient for storing odds and ends and holding cups.