Daveinet wrote:
A few years ago, I took a tour of the Monaco factory and was not impressed, particularly with the way the windows were installed, relative to the wall frame location. Meaning the window cut out was not directly supported by framing. Secondly, in looking at the coach frame its self, it is relatively flimsy. Grabbing a piece and flexing it, I was surprised it does much to support the wall. The structural strength is derived from the end cap frames, but everything in between was thin and flimsy. While I have not seen the interior wall construction of an FT, I do know what a good quality wall should be made from, and Monaco is not it. (The wall frames on my coach are 3 times thicker)
I know the OP was asking about the Sig, which is an all steel semi-monoque chassis/frame, however I am surprised by this as even my lowly HR Neptune (monaco)has every window boxed it with frame. The frame is also 16 inch on center C-channel studs with hung fiberglass walls. It was asctually the structural build and hard roof that sold me on the HR while looking at other new coaches in my price range as that was one area I researched heavily. My hung walls appear to be about twice as thick as the comparable laminated bonded wall.
After thinking about this further, I do believe they changed the wall construction with the 2009 model and did away with the C-Channel construction in the aluminum frame models and went the more conventional laminated build like others (except Newmar), but the higher ups are still steel.