Forum Discussion

tstryk's avatar
Sep 13, 2023

2006 HR Scepter transfer switch location?

I'm preparing for an upcoming trip and find out that I have no generator power. My first instinct is the transfer switch, but I have no idea where it is. Before I start the search, does someone here know? There is a gray box in the engine compartment behind the cord reel that may be it (?)
  • tstryk wrote:
    Good news for me - it started working again! I'm guessing it just has not been used enough lately! Anyhow, never found it, but crisis over!

    Working intermittently sounds like a loose ground or wire somewhere.
  • Good news for me - it started working again! I'm guessing it just has not been used enough lately! Anyhow, never found it, but crisis over!
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    The first thing to check is the generator itself.. Most generators (All of them in fact) have Circuit breakers.. Now you did not mention the genny you have but ONAN uses a 2-state breaker/switch ON and Off/Tripped.. not a 3-stat like a Square D (ON-Tripped-OFF) so unless you can read the word ON or OFF which is on the moving part of the breaker either side of the lever.. You don't know (it can be hard to read. Especially if the breaker is hard to find in the 1st place)

    From there there are basically two places they put em.

    ONE is the most logical space.. Visualize the wire paths from the Generator to the primary power distrubution panel and from the shore inlet to the same place.> Where they cross BINGO

    The other is the LEAST logical place For example on one Class the switch was at eye level. standing. in a cupboard at the very REAR (on the rear wall in fact) of the rig.. . (however as I recall on that righ the primary power distribution panel was there as well)
  • That's frustrating. I am sure you checked but it's worth asking, are you getting power on Shore power? Have you checked your main panel to ensure the main breaker isn't tripped?
  • Well, I got into that box and it was just a junction box. I have a feeling it may be inside the MH under the drawer inside the closet. UGH!!!!
  • way2roll wrote:
    When you say no generator power, do you mean it's running but it's not providing power to the coach? There's an actual breaker on the generator itself. Usually on a side somewhere. Check that. I had the same issue once and realized I bumped the breaker while doing something else, reset it and had power again.

    Yes, I turned it off and back on, anyhow. That wasnt the issues even though I had my hopes!
  • When you say no generator power, do you mean it's running but it's not providing power to the coach? There's an actual breaker on the generator itself. Usually on a side somewhere. Check that. I had the same issue once and realized I bumped the breaker while doing something else, reset it and had power again.