Forum Discussion

Aadkins101's avatar
Jul 14, 2018


Has anyone had any experience with the 2018 Dynamax Rev 24B? TIA
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Always make sure the "accommodation" (floor plan, storage, kitchen, bedroom, etc.) will work for you. Then check the load carrying capacity that it has, once you factor your passengers in. From all reports, the Promaster drives well, but its single rear wheels and probably an overhang added by the RV builder, bring its carrying capacity into question.
  • We have a 2018 REV 24rb. We recently returned from a 6000 mile cross country trip that included 10,000 foot peaks to flat prairie, 112 to 46 degree temps. The REV performed superbly. It handled the stiff crosswinds heading down I40 through Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. The best part was the 15.2 mpg for the trip. There are a couple minor design flaws on the REV such as inadequate sewer hose storage, awkward sewer outlet. Other than some minor issues corrected under warranty, our REV works perfectly for us. I corrected the sewer hose issue myself by installing a hose carrier in an empty space I found under the coach.