Louandsal wrote:
I took the 4 hour AARP safe driving class recently. My motorhome insurance is through Geico and my premium was reduced $83 per 6 months when I submitted the information. A 4 hour class that cost $12 and will be good for 3 years was definitely worth my time, plus they had coffee and sweet rolls!!
I don't believe in the Gov't controlling things just to control them..but it is a shame we can't get more people that have these large RV's...trailers and motorhomes... take some of these safety classes......
there are people who retire and get an RV that have never been in something that large for a ride much less to drive it
And , we have so many drivers out there.of..RV,truckers,and cars.....that believe they know it all...and no-one shows them anything new....Now there's a probable wreck just waiting to happen...Chuck