Forum Discussion

Louandsal's avatar
Jun 22, 2013

AARP Safe Driver Class

I took the 4 hour AARP safe driving class recently. My motorhome insurance is through Geico and my premium was reduced $83 per 6 months when I submitted the information. A 4 hour class that cost $12 and will be good for 3 years was definitely worth my time, plus they had coffee and sweet rolls!!
  • AARP driving class. I bet they are piling up to get in there
    Wonder if anybody crashed the class?
  • Dutch_12078 wrote:
    My wife and I took the safety course online right from our campsite at the time. Another advantage over the class room courses was that we could start and stop at will, making completing it much more convenient. That 10% discount across three vehicles really adds up!

    Ditto. Took mine online as well. The discount was very welcome over my three vehicles as well.
  • My wife and I took the safety course online right from our campsite at the time. Another advantage over the class room courses was that we could start and stop at will, making completing it much more convenient. That 10% discount across three vehicles really adds up!
  • I will not have anything to do with the AARP and their politics, there are other places you can go to to take classes for a discount.
  • Louandsal wrote:
    I took the 4 hour AARP safe driving class recently. My motorhome insurance is through Geico and my premium was reduced $83 per 6 months when I submitted the information. A 4 hour class that cost $12 and will be good for 3 years was definitely worth my time, plus they had coffee and sweet rolls!!

    I don't believe in the Gov't controlling things just to control them..but it is a shame we can't get more people that have these large RV's...trailers and motorhomes... take some of these safety classes......
    there are people who retire and get an RV that have never been in something that large for a ride much less to drive it

    And , we have so many drivers out there.of..RV,truckers,and cars.....that believe they know it all...and no-one shows them anything new....Now there's a probable wreck just waiting to happen...Chuck
  • Probably the most boring 4 hours I have spent in a long time - tell me something I don't know, please!?

    Worth it for the discount though, which reminds me, we need to do it again this year.
  • Glad yours worked out. Our insurance only discounts certain items on the policy and cost of class for both of us was maybe we broke even, money wise. But sure learned a lot from young kids with fast cars or motorcycles with the questions they asked. Like how is braking effected at 80 mph. Some of them don't learn until to late that the faster you go the more it going to hurt when you do hit something.
    Our teacher was a private company thats sub contracts out to insurance company's. So a mixed class of people; old, younger and people going to traffic school to reduce tickets. Interesting mix.