Forum Discussion

Dream_Chaser_'s avatar
Dec 23, 2022

Acess to back of outside tv

I recently purchased a 2012 Fleetwood Bounder 33C with an outside entertainment center. I want to install a streaming stick in the tv but cannot figure out how to pull the tv out or even tilt or slant it to get to the various ports.

There are no access panels behind the tv (under the sink) inside.

Any ideas?
  • On our 2015 ACE the original TV went bad and had to replace it. The TV was bolted to a mounting bracket that has no tilt or swivel. Had to remove the bracket to remove the TV but not hard to do. The screws for the bracket were past the sides of the TV so easy to get to. The plug in was under the sink then went through the wall. Tied a heavy string to the cord just above the plug before pulling the cord out. Tied the string to the new cord and pulled it through. Jim.
  • Somewhere most likely reaching from the bottom are two swivel hooks, one on each side. They could move up down or side side its just a matter of finding them. They are there!